By the time I finally stopped to listen, I barely knew who she was.
My body and I were alienated from one another, me having missed the messages of stress and overwhelm she had been sending me for years. Instead of slowing down to hear her, I was more concerned with the emerging cellulite that came with each baby, the way I barely recognized myself after they were born, and the anxiety around simply not knowing how to feel confident in a swimsuit anymore.
I didn’t feel like myself, and the only thing I knew to blame, or fix, was my body.
But she changed all the time, and so did her needs.
I wanted her to stay the same; something I could label, objectify, and fix, fix, fix.
One day I finally slowed down during a run and felt the impression that if my body were a person, a friend, a sister, a daughter, then she would probably feel deep grief, sadness, and frustration over being treated the way that she had been; reduced to a look, a number on the scale, a thing that I could mold depending on what I needed to help me feel enough that day.
And that’s when I began a new relationship with myself. Suddenly it dawned on me how devastating this would be in any relationship, and my body became my greatest teacher and leader.
This is how the second module of my Flawless & Feminine Digital Course was born.
If we want to create dynamic, deep, delicious, soul-satisfying love with another person, your body is the best place to start.
Just as people do when we are in relationship with them, our bodies change day to day, season to season, and require a level of sensitivity and respect from us if we are going to feel loved and safe.
My body holds my boundaries, my emotions, my pleasure, the cellular memory of my personal history, and a blueprint for creation that has the potential to unlock incredible abundance and deep intimacy.
She deserves to be regarded the way that I would hope any lover or partner would regard me: with deep tenderness, safety, curiosity, and attention to a variety of needs that change moment to moment because she is a living, breathing, dynamic organism.
In the Flawless & Feminine Digital Course, we start with the assumption that our bodies are worthy of the relationship with us that we all crave with a partner; and then we use that relationship to build a foundation of deep kindness and integrity that you can take into your dating life, marriage, or intimate partnership.
Join us for this special journey by clicking here.