1:1 COACHING PROGRAM with Jules Webber
I am whole. I soften into my femininity. I am intimately known.
A four to six-month intensive journey, personalized for the woman who is ready to experience radical self-acceptance, and all of the incredible life breakthroughs that come along with that. You are ready to do the brave and healing work of becoming who you truly are. You know great love is possible for you, but you’ve doubted. You’re ready to fall in love, not only with another person, but with yourself.
Julia, Creative Director,
Seattle, 35
“When I met Jules, dating felt exhausting. I was fresh out of an unhealthy relationship, and felt a lot of social pressure to find my person. From our first conversation, I had some pretty big perspective shifts that would have taken me months to reach in traditional therapy. Jules helped unlock my intuition and observe dating from a different lens so I could break down tightly-built barriers that were keeping me stuck. I'm now in a healthy relationship that I couldn't have been in without the work I did with Jules.”
This program is for you if...
You feel burdened by the expectations around you and disconnected from your creativity.
You are tired of carrying the weight of insecurity, rejection, comparison, judgement, and negativity.
You feel blocked or frustrated in your romantic life.
You create the same frustrating patterns in your dating life, or end up in the same discouraging places in your relationship, and you want to break free of those cycles.
You are holding onto old pain and you know it’s time to let go, but you don’t know how.
You have felt shame about your body, sexuality or desire.
You are tired of giving so much, only to feel depleted.
You feel out of balance, out of alignment with what you want for your life, and you’re having a hard time figuring out why that is, or how to move forward.
You feel needy, or just plain afraid of intimacy. You don’t know how to be yourself in your closest relationships while feeling accepted for who you are.
You are having a hard time finding the courage to move toward your dreams.
Kirsten, CEO/Founder,
Los Angeles, 49
“When I met Jules, my career was at an amazing juncture but my romantic life was full of disappointment. I had a history of getting into relationships with men who were taking from me and not giving a lot in return, and I understood that breaking lifetime habits was more than I could do alone. The money I spent working with Jules was the best investment I have ever made in myself. The progress we made working together came incredibly quickly. I am now in an incredible and healthy relationship. With my current partner, I have a relationship of love, support, fun, and a safe space to be myself. Jules was my final piece of the puzzle! I highly recommend working with her. If you really want change, don't hesitate for one second to pick up the phone and talk to her.”
Give you a safe space to explore the things that have felt the hardest in your life.
Help you learn to live from your heart and see beauty in every facet of yourself; both the pain and the celebration.
Define key boundaries and establish self-care practices to help you reclaim your energy.
Develop your sense of radical self-acceptance, and learn the emotional and spiritual tools you’ll need to live your life from a deep sense of love and security, transforming your romantic life.
Explore the ways that unhealed pain is subconsciously writing your beliefs, and work to integrate the parts of you that feel repressed and disconnected.
For single clients who are dating: guidance in filtering through people in the dating process, a custom-made dating profile that effectively creates the matches you want in online dating, and expert guidance for creating the relationship of your dreams.
For partnered clients: learn practices for reconnecting with your partner from a place of vulnerability; become a more effective communicator and learn how to build trust and fun together by leading with love and not leaving yourself behind.
Get crystal clear about what you want most in your life and empower you to begin moving toward your dreams.
Sierra, Vice President, Durham, 29
“I worked a demanding role scaling a fast-paced business from 5 employees to over 50 in a few short years. While it was exhilerating and rewarding, I was burned out and I felt like my dreams were dying. I had a hard time saying no to others and yes to myself in fear of beeing judged as weak or high maintenance. I wanted to create sustainable change and Jules's approach was unlike anything I had ever come across or experienced. I can't express how safe she made me feel. During my work with her, I tripled my salary, got married, and built mine and my husband's dream farm! I highly recommend working with Jules!"
Kavita, Philanthropic Consultant, Los Angeles, 51
“When I started my work with Jules, I was coming out of a long-distance relationship feeling very down on myself that it didn’t work out. I operated from a place of abandonment and feeling unworthy, always falling for unavailable men. With Jules, I liked our immediate connection and her perspective on love and life. Working with her was a phenomenal investment in myself and how I show up int he world. Jules is a game changer in the relationship space and has so much wisdom to offer; she pushes her clients to view their situations with fresh eyes. I can’t recommend her enough! She also brings a soulful, spiritual essence to the core of her work with clients.”
Are you ready?