I am whole. I soften into my femininity. I am intimately known.
A four-month intensive journey, personalized for the woman who is ready to experience radical self-acceptance, and all of the incredible life breakthroughs that come along with that. You are ready to do the brave and healing work of discovering who you really are and reclaiming your vulnerability.
“Jules helped me to tell a different story about myself and my life and my choices. She helped me find compassion for myself where I previously only found shame, and provided a place where I could learn to hold myself gently and actually rest in the face of everything else going on in my life. And in that period of rest I found a different kind of strength. ”
In this healing intensive program, we will:
Give you a safe space to explore the things that have felt the hardest in your life.
Help you learn to live from your heart and see beauty in every facet of yourself; both the pain and the celebration.
Define key boundaries and establish self-care practices to help you reclaim your energy.
Develop your sense of radical self-acceptance, and learn the emotional and spiritual tools you’ll need to live your life from a deep sense of love and security, transforming your romantic life.
Explore the ways that unhealed pain is subconsciously writing your beliefs, and work to integrate the parts of you that feel repressed and disconnected.
Give you tools for healing the shame you have associated with your sexuality and free you to show up to a romantic partnership in your true vulnerability.
Get you connected to the source of your spiritual vitality and emotional well-being.
Get crystal clear about what you want most in your life and empower you to begin moving toward your dreams.
“I feel more confident in the woman I am just as I am. I no longer feel the need to perform for others or ‘become my best self.’ Jules taught me how to embrace who I am rather than constantly working to ‘become’ someone or something better.”
this is for you if…
You’re single and you…
You’re partnered and you…
“I feel empowered as a woman in today’s world! I was so consumed with the hustle and masculine side of life that I pushed away the desire to be still and know that my feelings are beautiful and such a gift of the feminine. Moving through and holding those feelings has set so much free in my life! Through her eloquence and all-around sweet persona, Jules hit the nail on the head for me and it’s been miraculous for my husband and I ever since.”
Hi, I’m Jules.
I help women turn their knowledge of Love into a real experience that transforms their ability to show up in the world.
I offer coaching services for empowered, modern women who want to feel enough in their purpose, love who they really are, experience deep intimacy, and let go of the subconscious beliefs sabotaging their happiness.

“My life has changed drastically during a short space of time. I know I would not have been brave enough to make these changes without the strength I got from our coaching calls. I am incredibly grateful and I would recommend this to anyone. Thank you so much for making me feel supported. This has had such a positive impact on my happiness that I can not describe.”