Dating Bravely

Stop overthinking. Start your dream relationship.


Sunday JUly 16TH AT 12:30PM CST


 Now more than ever, women are showing up to dating with a level of emotional intelligence our mothers could not have imagined. We have access to information on  attachment styles, healing childhood trauma, manifestation, and so much more.

We also have seemingly more options than ever, thanks to the hyper-connected world we now live in. Because of dating apps and modern technologies for communication like texting and internet, we live in an increasingly social, yet isolated world. As a result, when it should be easier to find a partner than it ever has, we are also struggling more than ever to feel optimistic about our dating lives.

 In this 2-hour workshop plus LIVE Q&A, I’ll show you how I’ve taught hundreds of clients to disrupt cycles of discouragement and overwhelm in their dating lives, and start dating from desire, trust, and optimism.

This workshop is perfect for you if you:

  • Experience patterns you struggle to change.

  • Find yourself attracted to people that are consistently unavailable.

  • Overthink the early dating stages.

  • Feel avoidant when seemingly good men are interested in you.

  • Get resentful in your dating connections.

  • Feel unsure about how to confidently own your needs in a way that gets you more of what you want.

  • Feel anxiety once you start to like someone.

  • Struggle to define what you’re looking for, other than commitment with a certain “type” of guy.

  • You’ve possibly been in therapy or done a measure of work in this area, but aren’t seeing the results you’ve wanted and are ready for a fresh perspective.


What You Will Learn In This 2-Hour Expansive Workshop

  • How to be emotionally available for the partner you want.

  • How to get off the anxious-avoidant cycle.

  • Find out what your “type” really is.

  • Create a sexually satisfying, and emotionally safe, relationship.

  • Learn how to stop overthinking.

  • Feel immediately hopeful and optimistic about your dating life.

  • Embrace the beauty of your unique process, so you can have a great time dating.

  • Gain the confidence to show up for the relationship you want right now, instead of waiting until the “right person” comes along.

  • Learn why you’re closer to creating satisfying love than you think.

  • Release bitterness and negativity that’s holding you back.

  • Make peace with your longing for a relationship instead of running from the pain of being alone.

  • Learn to allow in kindness, support, and generosity.

  • Meet someone who wants the same things as you.


Julia, Creative Director,

Seattle, 35

“When I met Jules, dating felt exhausting. I was fresh out of an unhealthy relationship, and felt a lot of social pressure to find my person. From our first conversation, I had some pretty big perspective shifts that would have taken me months to reach in traditional therapy. Jules helped unlock my intuition and observe dating from a different lens so I could break down tightly-built barriers that were keeping me stuck. I'm now in a healthy relationship that I couldn't have been in without the work I did with Jules.”

Kavita, Philanthropic Consultant, Los Angeles, 51

“When I started my work with Jules, I was coming out of a long-distance relationship feeling very down on myself that it didn’t work out. I operated from a place of abandonment and feeling unworthy, always falling for unavailable men. With Jules, I liked our immediate connection and her perspective on love and life. Working with her was a phenomenal investment in myself and how I show up int he world. Jules is a game changer in  the relationship space and has so much wisdom to offer; she pushes her clients to view their situations with fresh eyes. I can’t recommend her enough! She also brings a soulful, spiritual essence to the core of her work with clients.”

Hi, I’m Jules.

I help women turn their knowledge of Love into a real experience that transforms their ability to show up in the world.

I offer coaching services for empowered, modern women who want to feel enough in their purpose, love who they really are, experience deep intimacy, and let go of the subconscious beliefs sabotaging their happiness.

Are you ready?