Become the most radiant person you know.

I feel more confident, more self-assured, and powerful because I understand myself better. I know my needs and tendencies, what calms me, what energizes me and turns me on. I have always felt like I needed to be everyone else’s rock. Now, I am my own rock.
— Ashley, past participant of Foundations of Wholeness
flawless feminine unshakeable confidence digital course

Foundations of Wholeness:

Weeks To Unshakeable Confidence

Being a modern, empowered woman is complicated enough.

The criticism we heap on ourselves for doing it wrong isn’t helping.

Because what does that even mean? What is the right kind of woman?

And who gets to decide that?

We all know her. You’ve seen her before: The woman who glows with a feminine radiance we all want to see in ourselves.


She seems content, happy, and satisfied. She somehow gets it right, and always has. She might have problems in her life, but they aren’t big ones. She’s got a partner who seems like a dream, or the dating life of a goddess. She’s creative, she’s beautiful, and her body has all the right curves, in all the right places. She glides through a room with magnetic energy and she just seems so wanted, and chosen, and free.

She’s happy, and it shows. She has amazing friends, and the social media feed to prove it. If she has kids, they’re as happy as she is, and she’s the kind of mom who you’d never imagine losing her temper or not showering for five days. And if she did, you know she’d bounce right back anyway.

You’ve seen this woman everywhere; at the grocery store, on your television, and on Instagram. She’s been your sister, your coworker, your classmate in middle school, and the girl that 8-year-old Johnny in your fourth grade class chose to be his girlfriend instead of you.

You don’t like the tinge of envy you feel toward her because that’s never been you. But it’s not just her. Somewhere. inside, you know your. idea of this woman isn’t real. But you can’t help but feel that the things you want exist elsewhere, for other people.

Other women get to have this amazing life that you’re not sure you know how to create.

Meanwhile, you’re sitting with the pieces of you that feel like they don’t quite fit.

The breakup you’re struggling to move past; the marriage you feel disconnected in; the shame of having hurt someone; the devastation of a betrayal.

Your self care is messy, at best. The workouts you’d like to commit to aren’t happening, and food feels confusing AF. You look in the mirror and have a handful of criticisms ready and waiting.

You understand men about as well as aliens; you don’t know how to feel wanted and desired by someone you would actually want to be with, whether you’re single, or already partnered.

You work hard because you’re a dedicated woman, but you find yourself drained of energy at the end of the day without the confidence of knowing that your life is headed in the direction you want.

When you do leave home feeling your best, you feel deflated when you arrive somewhere only to find that there are other more talented, worthy, beautiful women there. Women who seem better than you. Consciously, you know that’s not logical. Subconsciously, you still feel like that fourth grade girl who never knew if she was enough. And you don’t know what to do with that.

You want others to look at you and see an intelligent, beautiful, sophisticated, happy woman. Above all, you want to see that in yourself.


Here’s why I know that you can:

Years ago, my entire life was shaken up in ways I was totally unprepared for. My first baby was born more than three months early while I was traveling halfway across the country and I didn’t see my home for almost four months. At the end, I barely recognized myself and neither did my friends. We didn’t know how to reconnect with each other and I went through the most devastating loss of my life when those friendships ended.

I had invested my identity entirely into the success or failure of my friendships, my marriage, and my motherhood. Everything I did was based on pleasing others because I never felt I was enough for myself. My loneliest, darkest moments came when I felt I’d lost control, when the image of who I thought I was fell apart, and people saw the neediness that I so closely guarded, but was spilling out everywhere. I lived through experiences of shame that I thought I’d never get through.


When I wanted to form new friendships, I realized I had no idea how to connect with women or myself in a genuine way; I knew the basics of repairing trust in relationships but not a clue how to do it with the most important person in my life: me.

My skin exploded in cystic acne, and I reached the lowest weight of my adult life. I experienced back and neck pain so intense I could barely sleep, and that was only when my anxiety wasn’t already keeping me up.

Postpartum depression, PTSD, endometriosis, adrenal exhaustion, and extreme eczema were just a few of the ways my body handled the stress. My periods were painful and intense, my body was inflamed, and my hormones were completely out of whack. I didn’t wear a swimsuit for almost two years.

Right around then, I chose to cultivate relationships where I could be real and raw, and made a brave investment in a course that taught me how to love myself for the first time.

It didn’t take long before I felt the deep sense of belonging that my mind and body needed, and I haven’t stopped flourishing since. That investment in my heart deepened my marriage at the time, helped me discover my career, and gave me the permission I needed to take a new path: a much, much kinder path than the one I’d been on before.


That path was the restoration I needed to see myself in a clearer, kinder way.

Boundaries. Forgiveness. Real friendship. Deep romance. I suddenly saw how horribly I had treated myself, and started to release self-criticism. I connected with a part of myself that knew how to speak to me in the way a loving mom would to her daughter, and I listened.

I gave special attention to the wounded, abandoned girl in me with insatiable neediness and she finally leaned back. I found a way to deal with my constant comparison, learned how to hold my insecurity, and faced my finances, my health, and my limiting beliefs head-on.

I practiced boundary-setting; I owned what I didn’t know I could love about myself and released the stories of shame that kept me small.

I was finally able to be myself and in turn I showed up as a cheerleader of other women.

Suddenly I noticed the type of people in my life were changing; I was making friends with women who had a strong sense of purpose; women who were kind and brought their own sense of significance to our friendship; women who didn’t need me to be anything for them, but who showed up for themselves first, like I was.

When I began dating after my marriage ended, I realized I didn’t have any problem attracting kind, respectful, above-and-beyond men.

Dating was so much easier and more fun than it had been before, when it felt like all I had known was rejection and shame.

I finally trusted myself.. I’d finally given myself permission to listen to the inner voice that culture told me long ago to ignore: the one in all of us that has our best ideas, wisdom, and direction. 

For the first time, I felt truly celebrated. I felt that I could trust myself. I finally had a reference point for what love looked like.

I became devoted to my self care, to my training as a women’s life coach, and my ultimate calling to support women through the process of creating satisfying, thriving, real connection in their lives.

This program gave me SO much strength. My life has changed drastically during the short space of time. I am incredibly grateful and I would recommend this to anyone. This has had such a positive impact on my happiness that I can not describe. I learned how freeing it feels to just ‘be’ and be present with my feminine energy and not be constantly outcome-driven.
— Stephanie, past participant of Foundations of Wholeness

Today, I wake up on a work day and I feel giddy like a teenage girl on her first date every day that I get to do what I do, and I provide for myself in abundance while I’m at it.

I live in my dream home and have a thriving coaching practice; I love who I see in the mirror, even on the days that I struggle to like her. I’ve learned that healing didn’t and won’t make the wounded parts of me go completely away; I still feel insecure and afraid and unwanted at times.

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My healing means that I can learn how to see and hold my wounded self so she doesn’t run my life.

My relationship with myself is dynamic and grounded. People trust me, and I make wiser decisions now about who to let into my life. I have a support system that would have blown my mind years ago, and the energy to be creative, even with a full plate of responsibilities that I’m honored now to have.

This work allowed my former husband and I to move on from our marriage in a conscious, understanding way. Our new family is a happy, growing one even with its challenges. My dating life feels like an intentional space for self-exploration and fun. I effortlessly attract men who are clear, above-and-beyond, and open-hearted. With women, I can be confidant and so can they; gossip isn’t part of my life anymore, but talking about exciting ideas and how we can support each other is.

Here’s what you can expect from this wildly inspiring, once-in-a-lifetime digital course:

  • Learn how to connect with yourself, and hold space for your personal process.

  • Get incredible insight on your self-love journey from a professional relationship & intimacy coach.

  • Release shame stories from past relationships and move forward with radical acceptance.

  • Learn how to recharge your emotional energy, and bring your best self to your relationships.

  • Learn how to be understanding and be compassionate with yourself, and how to feel supported, in a way that deepens love.

  • Become your favorite person in the world to spend time with and get grounded in the confidence that comes from knowing you have your own back.

  • Learn how to express and maintain your boundaries, trust yourself, and raise the trust in your relationships.

  • Find out how to handle comparison and insecurity with other women, and quiet your inner critic.

  • Raise your self esteem, learn how to genuinely love who you are, and finally feel capable and empowered to create a life you are madly in love with.


What’s included in your 8-week Foundations of Wholeness Digital Course:


8 Weekly videos

Conversational-style teaching from Jules in high quality video format, for you to download. Each module will be released weekly with a video, workbook and bonus audio visualisations!

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Specially Designed Workbooks Each Week

For you to print and keep! Learn the content of the course in a deeper way by exploring your needs and emotions, and creating custom experiences for yourself to feel seen, held, and desired.


Two Bonus Visualizations

Guided visualizations designed to help support you on the following:

Releasing Shame and Soothing Anxious/Avoidant Attachment

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This course is a total head-to-heart rewiring of your self-love programming.

You are the woman you have always wanted to be. This is the path to uncovering her; to shaking off the dust and clothing yourself in respect, admiration, and trust.

You can have it all. Deep down, you know that. You just need the guidance that’s right in front of you, and the willingness to open the door to a whole new way of relating to yourself. A kinder, more truthful way.

I feel more confident in the woman I am JUST as I am. I no longer feel the need to “perform” for others or “become my best self.” Flawless & Feminine taught me how to embrace who I am rather than constantly working to “become” someone or something better.
— Sarah, past participant of Foundations of Wholeness


+ When is this happening?

The first module will be released upon your investment and each of the remaining seven modules will be released weekly thereafter. The course is yours to keep indefinitely, and you are welcome to complete it at whatever pace is best for you.


Yes! There is an option at checkout to select 3 easy monthly payments of $197.

+ How is the course conducted?

Each module begins with a video containing around 20 minutes of loving and supportive teaching, accompanied by a custom-designed workbook to help you go even deeper with the concepts you’ll be learning.

+ Do I need to prepare anything before I begin this program?

Set aside a dedicated journal for yourself, as well as be sure to schedule time to complete the course into your calendar, Intentionally create space in your life for this program by communicating with loved ones if you need to make arrangements to have this time for yourself.

What members of Foundations of Wholeness are saying:

“I am more confident in my decision making, I have created so much more space for myself and taking care of my body.”

- Sierra

“I realized that the answers I've been looking for reside within me. This program mirrored to me that I've always had the power to speak my truth--the power of radical responsibility is a new perspective that has changed how I am choosing to live life from now on.”

- Michelle

“I am unapologetically in a love affair with myself! How surprising after all of these years of abandoning her it turns out she’s the one life who’s always going to be with me and have my back.”

- Angel

“I’ve learned to give myself permission to just BE. To feel how I’m feeling. To want what I want. To be sad, to feel happy, to work hard, to take breaks, and to reset. It’s all acceptable and okay!”

- Anonymous


Are you ready to become the most radiant person you know?


 © 2020 Julianne Webber • All Rights Reserved • Website Design by Spirited Seeker